Ilumitex® was selected as the preferred wall decorating System for transforming the washroom facilities of a Yorkshire located junior school. The dry multicolour paint flake system proved to be the perfect solution for rejuvenating this high traffic interior environment. Ilumitex® uses water based environmentally friendly paints and this was a key factor in selecting Ilumitex for this school environment.
With a life expectancy up to 5 times longer than conventional paint, Ilumitex® also fulfilled the school’s requirements for both a highly durable and cost effective wall decorative solution. The easy to clean and low maintenance benefits of Ilumitex® proved to be hugely beneficial for this primary school.
From the extensive range of standard and bespoke flake colours available, Ilumitex® 427 was selected from the Ilumitex® Standard Range. The green, blue and yellow multicolour flakes were spray applied to the washroom walls. The before and after photographs show the extent to which the whole washroom environment was transformed and an aesthetic with strong visual appeal was achieved.